I worked in Germany as a registered nurse for sick kids.
It was a dream job.
These kids taught me endless lessons about love, joy, hope, courage, trust,
and compassion, but the work took its toll emotionally and physically.
I changed careers when I moved to Canada.
I became an organic farmer.
Working outside surrounded by nature. Nurturing plants. Idyllic.
But I struggled with long working days and short nights
and eating 'not good for me' comfort foods to get me through.
A repeat of patterns!
In 2013 my Breast Cancer diagnosis brought my life as I knew it to a standstill.
At 49 years old my body said: Enough is enough.
I had to find the strength to look at treatment options.
To acknowledge my anxiety and fears.
Surgery followed surgery.
Alternative treatments joined conventional treatments.
Lymphedema and Hashimoto, a Thyroid autoimmune disease,
came along for the ride.
Until I said: Enough is enough!
I wanted to overcome my challenges and thrive beyond Breast Cancer
I made big nutrition and lifestyle changes.
I embraced mindfulness and visualization to get me to a better place in my mind and heart.
I looked at my stressors in life, explored them, and managed them.
I worked through childhood issues: my parent's separation, but especially my mother's death in my late teens.
I conquered my fears and regained my health.
I learned to love my body just as it is.
I found purpose and joy after Breast Cancer
My cancer, my Hashimoto, and my Lymphedema are under control.
Treatment side effects will always be part of my life.
But my life has a future.

​Digging deep gave me the strength and courage to go
from surviving to thriving
Not an easy road to travel.
But the rewards are peace of mind and a healthier me!

This shift in my life, my renewed health, and the feeling of empowerment made me decide to become a Health Coach. Guiding and supporting women to better health is an honour and brings me joy.
My health coach training with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition has taught me to look at people as unique bio-individuals.
That no one diet or lifestyle will work for everyone.
That health and wellness is so much more than focusing on nutrition or exercise.
It's about mind set.
Being clear about what you want, and not focusing on what you don't want.
Embracing the small steps that steadily bring you towards your big goal.
Being mindful. Having self-compassion.
Practicing self-care. Self-care equals self-respect.
Accepting where you are right now in your life, and slowly working towards health and wellness and balance in life.